On January 22, 2022, marking the Day of the Unity of Ukraine, the Kyiv Security Forum gathered politicians, intellectuals and opinion leaders for a national dialogue with a call for unity, solidarity and readiness to defend Ukraine from Russian aggression.

Today, celebrating the Day of the Unity of Ukraine, we, the representatives of the national political forces and the public, appeal to the entire Ukrainian people with a call for unity, solidarity and readiness to defend Ukraine from Russian aggression.
The deadly threat from Russia looming over Ukraine, as well as the restoration of Ukraine's territorial integrity, the de-occupation of Crimea and the return of control over the temporarily occupied regions of Donbas require our collective mobilization.
Mobilization of forces and mutual support are also necessary in Ukraine to counter the attack on democracy, the destruction of state institutions, the curtailment of reforms, the rise of the Kremlin's "fifth column" and the provoked discord among the people. We decided to offer society the format of a national cross-party dialogue to discuss the dangers of Ukraine's external and internal situation. Authoritarian authorities ignore their opponents and seek to silence them. The democratic government engages in dialogue with them and seeks to convince them.
We call on the leadership of Ukraine to show a firm will and unite the entire Ukrainian people in defense of our state and strengthen alliances with other democratic countries for the defense of our independence and common freedom. Ukraine must say a categorical "no" to all Putin's criminal demands.
We call on the authorities and the entire society to realize that the main defenders of our independence are Ukrainian soldiers - men and women - and to focus all national forces on supporting the Armed Forces of Ukraine, their priority funding, and the introduction of modern means of deterring the enemy.
We urge you to fulfill the historic mission of our time and complete the implementation of the necessary transformations and requirements for Ukraine's accession to NATO and the European Union.
We demand to guarantee unwavering observance of the democratic values and freedoms of our people and stop any illegal persecution of the national opposition, attacks on freedom of speech and free expression of will.
We call for an immediate stop to attempts to undermine anti-corruption institutions and to complete judicial reform as soon as possible.
We call to ensure the conditions for free economic development in Ukraine and to stop the undisguised attack on small, medium and large businesses and foreign investors and to guarantee equal, transparent and competitive rules for everyone, regardless of their proximity to the authorities.
We urge you to guarantee the course for full energy independence from Russia and Belarus. We call for strict compliance with the legislation on the protection of the Ukrainian language as the state language. We call for a systematic fight against Russian propaganda and agents.
We invite the President of Ukraine to a dialogue and at the same time call for cooperation and unification of pro-Ukrainian political parties and public activists throughout the country.
It is time to unite the forces of Ukrainian patriots and create joint action networks, help territorial defense and defend the state together.
We call on the entire free world to support the freedom and struggle of Ukraine.