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The russian forces have no idea what they are fighting for, - the Chair of the NATO Military Committee

Russi’a war against Ukraine has never been about any real threat from Ukraine or NATO.

These were the words of the Admiral Rob Bauer, the Chair of the NATO Military Committee at the 16th annual Kyiv Security Forum established by the Arseniy Yatsenuyk “Open Ukraine” Foundation.

“This war is about president putin fearing something much more powerful than any physical weapon on earth: democracy”, - he said.

“If people in Ukraine can have democratic rights, then people in Russia will soon crave them too. This is what this war is about, - Rob Bauer stressed.

He added, that in rRussia there is no choice, only force. And the rule of law is a façade.

“A piece of theatre the leadership put on, to fool people into thinking they were playing along”, the Chair of the NATO Military Committee emphasized.

According to Admiral Bauer, russia is desperately attempting to portray an image of strength. And yet, they have displayed only weakness.

“There is no amount of propaganda that can cover up the coffins that fly back to the Russian Federation. There is no amount of propaganda that can answer the questions of the families of the deceased soldiers’, he said.

“And there is no amount of propaganda that can conceal the truth that president putin has not achieved any of his strategic objectives. And how can he? The Russian forces have no idea what they are fighting for…You do. You are fighting for civilization itself”, stressed the Chair of the NATO Military Committee.

He also emphasized that now is the decisive moment.

“It would be a grave, historic mistake to allow president putin to prevail. This would be dangerous for us all. Because the outcome of this war will shape the fate of the world”, he concluded.

The 16th Annual Kyiv Security Forum is held March 21-22, 2024, to gather transatlantic support for Ukraine. This year Forum slogan is “Ukraine’s call to the World: Together We Prevail!”. 

© Arseniy Yatsenyuk Charity Foundation "Open Ukraine"
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Kyiv Security Forum
Arseniy Yatsenyuk Foundation
© Arseniy Yatsenyuk Charity Foundation "Open Ukraine"