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russia and China blackmail Europe to prevent confiscation of frozen russian assets, - American expert

Western countries can transfer $ 300 billion of frozen russian assets to Ukraine, and the mechanism to do so is currently widely discussed.

This was emphasized by Philip Zelikow, Senior Fellow, Hoover Institution at Stanford University, Counselor of the U.S. Department of State in 2005-07, during the online-discussion of the KSF established by the Arseniy Yatsenyuk Foundation “Open Ukraine”.

“Whether Ukraine survives in this war depends from money and weapons. Many talk about weapons, but only very few talk about money. And money is no less important than weaponry”, - he stressed.

Mr. Zelikow also argued that a lot depends on nations of Europe when it comes to the issue of frozen russian assets transfer to Ukraine, as the lion’s share of such frozen assets are kept in Europe.

At the same time, Mr. Zelikow added, the EU countries find themselves under heavy pressure to disallow them confiscation of russian money.

“What is actually happening behind the scene is that russia, China, and Arab states blackmail German, French and Japanese authorities,”, - former US Department Counselor said.

Philip Zelikow also argued that one of the scenarios to resolve this issue being discussed now is the possible transfer of frozen russian assets under jurisdictions beyond the European Union, namely, to Northern America or Great Britain.

“Northern America and the UK, in their turn, can take decisions on how to manage the money within their jurisdictions”, - he summed up.

The Kyiv Security Forum, established by the Arseniy Yatsenyuk “Open Ukraine” Foundation, is the major platform in this country to discuss issues of war and peace, national and global security. 

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