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Over 40 countries are engaged in establishing a special tribunal for russia, - Borys Tarasyuk

Over 40 countries are engaged in forming a special tribunal to bring to justice russia for its aggression against Ukraine.

This was the message by Borys Tarasyuk, Ukraine’s Permanent Representative to the Council of Europe, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine in 1998-2000 and 2005-07 at the 16th Annual Kyiv Security Forum established by the Arseniy Yatsenyuk “Open Ukraine” Foundation.

“The Council of Europe was the first to start discussion of bringing russia to justice for the crime of aggression, to compensate losses and damages incurred, to form a special tribunal. In the issue of punishing russia and making it pay for damages and losses, the Council has demonstrated a previously unseen speed of resolving the issue as soon as it is brought to the table”, - Borys Tarasyuk emphasized.

According to him, permanent representatives of member-states in the Council of Europe had their doubts whether the Council could be the very international organization to develop the register of losses. Still, this very issue was resolved at the organization’s summit.

“I am proud that we took this very important step – creating the register of losses to start its operation on April 2, 2024. This is just the first step. Other steps should ensue, namely, compensation commission formation and compensation fund creation”. – the diplomat mentioned.

Speaking about the special tribunal, he mentioned the coalition of countries including over 40 states who meet informally and discuss fundamental issues to set up the special tribunal.

“This is not solely about compensation mechanism. Currently, the respective discussion is on, and I am certain that the Council of Europe will become the very diplomatic platform to resolve the issue of forming the special tribunal,” – Ambassador emphasized.

Mr. Tarasiuk also stressed that all 46 states are now united in the Council of Europe as to how bring the aggressor to justice. This should be done through compensation for incurred damages and losses, and by punishing russian military and political leadership for the crime of aggression.

The 16th Annual Kyiv Security Forum is held March 21-22, 2024, to gather transatlantic support for Ukraine. This year Forum slogan is “Ukraine’s call to the World: Together We Prevail!”.

© Arseniy Yatsenyuk Charity Foundation "Open Ukraine"
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Kyiv Security Forum
Arseniy Yatsenyuk Foundation
© Arseniy Yatsenyuk Charity Foundation "Open Ukraine"