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France will invest in military production facilities on Ukrainian soil, - Ambassador

France has risen its defence expenditures, with the share of them to be invested into production on Ukrainian soil.

These were the words of Gaël Veyssière, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the French Republic to Ukraine at the 16th Annual Kyiv Security Forum established by the Arseniy Yatsenyuk “Open Ukraine” Foundation.

In particular, he mentioned that French defence eependitures have exceeded 2% of the country’s GDP.

Speaking about investment to defence, the diplomat stressed that investment is required to produce in Ukraine what the Ukrainian Armed Forces need.

“What we say is this: if we can start such production in Ukraine, we ought to do so”, – Ambassador Veyssière stressed.

He also called to support Ukraine to attain victory.

“Let us imagine for just one second that russia prevails. This means that russia can destroy its neighbor and the world community can do nothing about it. This means many countries saying: let us join the nuclear club since our security is jeopardized. This will end up in a much riskier and more unstable situation than the current one”, - the French diplomat emphasized.

The 16th Annual Kyiv Security Forum is held March 21-22, 2024, to gather transatlantic support for Ukraine. This year Forum slogan is “Ukraine’s call to the World: Together We Prevail!”.

© Arseniy Yatsenyuk Charity Foundation "Open Ukraine"
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Kyiv Security Forum
Arseniy Yatsenyuk Foundation
© Arseniy Yatsenyuk Charity Foundation "Open Ukraine"