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James Sherr: the greatest obstacle for russia realizing its primary interest is existence of Ukraine

Existence of an independent and sovereign Ukraine is the greatest obstacle for russia realizing its primary interests.

This was emphasized by James Sherr, Senior Fellow at the International Centre for Defence & Security in Tallinn, Estonia at the 16th Annual Kyiv Security Forum established by the Arseniy Yatsenyuk “Open Ukraine” Foundation.

The expert stressed the importance of understanding just two things. First: russia and the collective West line in different cognitive worlds.

“In the past 30 years the greatest obstacle for russia realizing its primary interests is existence of an independent and sovereign Ukraine,” – James Sherr emphasized.

The expert also noted that the second important factor for the russians in the war is to impose their will on the opponent. If the opponent fails to display the same will, tenacity and moral fibre, the russians feel such opponents not worth respecting.  

“If Ukraine loses this war, and the West stands aside and allows Ukraine to lose it, the dangers of a wider war increase substantially,” - James Sherr summed up.

The 16th Annual Kyiv Security Forum is held March 21-22, 2024, to gather transatlantic support for Ukraine. This year Forum slogan is “Ukraine’s call to the World: Together We Prevail!”.

© Arseniy Yatsenyuk Charity Foundation "Open Ukraine"
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Kyiv Security Forum
Arseniy Yatsenyuk Foundation
© Arseniy Yatsenyuk Charity Foundation "Open Ukraine"