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Dmytro Razumkov: Winning the war we cannot let ourselves lose the country

Ukraine can become the EU and NATO member after attaining victory in the war with russia.

This was stressed by Dmytro Razumkov, the Ukrainian Parliament Speaker in 2019-21, at the 16th Annual Kyiv Security Forum established by the Arseniy Yatsenyuk “Open Ukraine” Foundation.

According to his words, for Ukraine to attain its objective of becoming the full-fledged member of the EU and NATO, it needs to win the war and to resolve its domestic problems.

Mr. Razumkov also mentioned the most important domestic challenge that Ukraine has to counter – and this is corruption.

“Even prior to the full-scale russian aggression, corruption was ruining the country, and one cannot say that even now it is downscaled. To meet the EU principles and norms, we ought to uproot corruption, otherwise we have no positive prospects for our development”, — he added.

According to the former Parliament Speaker, Ukraine also has certain problem issues with freedom of speech and democracy.

“We live in the Parliament-President republic. This clear distribution of vertical powers ought to be maintained. Not a single chair can ever balance having only one leg. One of the pillars supporting any state is its Parliament”, — Dmytro Razumkov added.

“Ukrainians are not interested in a formal EU membership. They want to live the way the Europeans live. Most importantly still, Ukrainians just want to live. And this is our united responsibility”, - he summed up.

The 16th Annual Kyiv Security Forum is held March 21-22, 2024, to gather transatlantic support for Ukraine. This year Forum slogan is “Ukraine’s call to the World: Together We Prevail!”.

© Arseniy Yatsenyuk Charity Foundation "Open Ukraine"
locationUkraine, Kyiv, 01001
Kyiv Security Forum
Arseniy Yatsenyuk Foundation
© Arseniy Yatsenyuk Charity Foundation "Open Ukraine"